
The Story of How Life Isn’t Made to be

this was made in 2017, it's not my best ever but still something i made

Long ago before anyone knew how, the land was simple yet violent. Everyone saw the meaning of life differently, but for this story we’ll see how the man, Chris, saw the world and what resided on it.

Chris, like many other men in French culture, lived in the city of Marseille. He alone was insignificant which is completely true for the universe yet to the people who knew him and talked with him, they saw that he has a personality much like anyone they’ve met. Chris was born in the time where the wars were happening so his family was very affected during his childhood and he grew up poor but had enough for each day. School for him wasn’t difficult yet wasn’t easy so many would consider him average, after he finished school he became a lawyer. His family was very proud of him yet were not expecting him to choose that career life due to his simpleness and very comedic behaviors. Yet he still decided to pursue his dream of it and specialized in criminal law due to his undying dream of watching crime-fighting shows. So when he left his family to live on his own he realized that he had no money after renting out an apartment which led to him realizing that he should have started off with a better start. He was over 500 miles away from his family however so asking them for anything was a big issue, so he went along and asked if anyone could buy him lunch for the day. After countless requests Chris realized that all the attention and good-will from others made him believe that everyone is like this. “In reality,” he thought. “They aren’t and maybe because they don’t know me?” Little did he know however that everyone in the city had been affected by a huge economic crash and could barely afford anything themselves. Yet he still had the good hope of someone being able to give him some money for at least a baguette for the day, but it wasn’t until it really hit him, literally, that they had other things to worry about other than him. He was struck in the chest with a rock with a note attached to it saying “Vous êtes sans valeur. Laissez-nous tranquilles, nous avons des familles à ne pas se soucier de vous.” (You are worthless. Leave us alone, we have families to worry about, not you.) “So,” he thought. “Maybe they’re right about me but if that’s true, what really does matter?” He pondered about this question all day while walking back home empty-handed, yet he was also unlucky because a generous woman was walking down the street in front of him before he started to head home. So maybe it was his unluckiness or maybe it was the universe striking him down; it’s up to you to decide, but the story doesn’t end there.

Shortly after getting home he saw that on the table of his new abode a basket of bread and a note saying “Viande de spécialité dans le réfrigérateur. Merci d'avoir emménagé!” (Specialty meat in the fridge. Thanks for moving in!) and like it said, there was salami and other dry meats in the fridge. “Wow, what a coincidence” he said out loud, so he took it and made his dinner for the day, but while eating he wondered how he would get more money. When he awoke, he also realized that his law degree wasn’t worth anything until he got into a job working with law, so he decided to start simple as a baker. He returned to the bakery in which he did not go yesterday and asked if there was any jobs vacant. The response he got however was one he was not expect, it was “Travail? Eh bien, vous commencez maintenant.” (Work? Well then you start now.) so he did as he was told and started delivering the pastries and other baked goods right away. After working the day he asked for his pay, but due to the big crash only got two baguettes and a fresh pie. This was how he lived the next 6 years then one faithful day he realized that his life is just a routine continuing forever unless he changes it now so he decides to go out later and try to find the job he went to school for. So he went to the courthouse with his diploma and was surprised to get the job and even a case the same week, so he quit his job at the bakery and was a full-time lawyer now.

It wasn’t until his second case however that he learned how fast someone can die or be lost, after reviewing a serial killer who went on a massacre and multiple families were devastated after it. He decided to take a visit back to his family because he hasn’t seen or talked to them in the past 6 years, he hasn’t even talked to anyone new or his old friends other than the regulars to the bakery. So he went on a plane and traveled back to his hometown, but halfway in the flight the engine completely broke and the pilot told them that the chance of surviving was less than living. This made Chris hysterical with sadness and he just broke down because he realized he never saw his family any time after he moved, or even talked to anyone he once knew. He didn’t even have a chance to elope to anyone or even just date because he was too busy living his life with his job. The night the flight of Rennes 627 crashed in the middle of nowhere near Poitiers. The funeral his family had for him was dull, and bleak and nobody was too depressed about his death due to the fact that they believe that he left them. His family felt betrayed after the third year of him never contacting them by a letter, and later forgot about him. He saw all this happen before he woke up. Now did he really wake up? No, it was another person waking up as him? Also no, it was a boy playing a simulation of a random life and was now looking at his score. A solid 1,000 points stood on the screen then flashed to the leaderboard which ranked him as #7,234,128 out of 8,000,000. “Wow, what a boring life” the boy thought, “Time to go for another I guess.” So that’s what he did, the time difference from Chris’ life the boys was over 5000 years to where there wasn’t enough of anything outside and the only entertainment people got was from playing this game. So in the end life is made to be lived as the greatest and the high score is just a metaphor to how you have to live it better to be happy, even if you don’t make it to the top you still should make others happy and be happy for yourself