
more about me

my name is lex, which is a nickname i decided to just use as an online alias at this point. i am 21 years old and live in socal, i currently in college for a business degree, thought i've come to realize my enjoyment for writing. i would love to be a writer in one way or another (journalist, author, or game writer) but i really have no clue where to start if i'm being honest. this site has been created to create a portfolio (for fun and professional side) in order to organize my work and publish them for experience and to get them out. i have had no experience with html/ css so everything so far has been learned in a few days (as of 2/26/24).

i am currently working as a barista at a local coffee shop (not starbucks) and honestly quite enjoy it. i wasn't a big coffee person before the job but now i can really respect a nice cup of joe after waking up. that being said even though i enjoy coffee a do not enjoy morning, i am a night owl through and through. i try to go to bed around 3, and wake up around 11-12 depending on the day and how tired i was. honestly a bad habit but i justify it by just imagining that everyone has their own schedule so mine is just later in the day compared to others. granted i do normally work closing so it's not like i "waste" my day sleeping.

some of my interests include video games, reading, and of course writing. i tend to use my free time playing games with some of my favorites being: Yakuza, Minecraft (a lifelong classic), Terraria, Celeste, Soulsborne games, Devil may Cry, and Binding of Isaac. besides that i try to change my current game i spend time on (singleplayer) genre after every completion as to widen my variety. i would love to stream at one point but my lack of confidence keeps telling my i won't be entertaining enough. i'll get to it at some point just like this website and but i still would like to figure out my plan from it first. reading currently i just like fiction, a boring thing but its been a help of escapism when i was younger so it's a habit i've kept. i've tried nonfiction but it just takes me longer to get through whereas a good fiction book i just get enveloped in and end up either enjoying it for a long time or binge through it in a few nights.